Tuesday, January 27, 2009

just wondering...

Do you ever have a tough time distinguishing between when you shouldand when it is time to
Me too!

*poster images via content in a cottage

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

pending purchase

Now that I live at the beach, I think I need a new pair of sandals. 

I have my eye on these

*loved this image I found on flickr.

what have I been up to?

A whole lot of this
Interspersed with this. And by the way, look who is sitting up like a big boy!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

why do they grow so fast?

Slipping through my fingers all the time 
I try to capture every minute 
The feeling in it 
Slipping through my fingers all the time 
Do I really see what's in his mind 
Each time I think I'm close to knowing 
He keeps on growing 
Slipping through my fingers all the time 
(lyrics courtesy of ABBA)


You know you are a little homesick for New York (and your friends there) when discovering the kosher section at your local supermarket almost makes you cry. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

too much to do.

I've been feeling busy for the last 6 months. 

I still have a couple of thank you notes to write. 

I haven't mailed my birth announcements/christmas cards yet.

My house is a disaster (okay this one is okay since I just moved).

And I owe a handful of people phones calls and emails. 

But reading this made me feel a whole lot better about myself. 

Thank you Ruth for posting this and making my day! 

Sunday, January 11, 2009

turning a corner

I told my friends that once you've lived in New York City, not much impresses you. But that was before I saw the beaches of La Jolla and drove up the Highway 101. Now maybe I'm just a little bit impressed. Just a little bit. and the 60-60 degree weather doesn't hurt either. 

I promise I will be blogging more soon, just trying to get my house in order before Winston starts crawling and gets into every thing.