Yesterday was Winston's one month/ 4 week birthday. I say a month is 4 weeks, Dan says he won't be one month until August 30, it is an ongoing debate. Regardless this little bug is getting bigger and stronger and he has even rolled over a few times. We've had family in town the last week and more coming today. Although it wears us out a little, Winston loves all the attention!
Caitlin, he is so beautiful!! What a doll. I wish I still lived in the city so I could come over and hold him. You must be so proud. Hope you are feeling well and getting a little sleep! p.s.- I LOVE the name you and Dan chose.
oh he is so beautiful!! you guys must have a lot of visitors, we saw jordan on our way out to NY and Dan's sister and mom on our way home, delta owes you guys a free ticket for all the business cute little Winston has given them!!
Great photos! He's so alert! I want to come visit again soon. :)
I'm gonna have to go with Dan on this one, but feel free to use any excuse to post more cute pics of Winston :)
Cait!!! He is so so cute! I seriously cannot wait to see him! He has dan's nose and your eyes.
Happy Birthday buddy!
Caitlin, he is so beautiful!! What a doll. I wish I still lived in the city so I could come over and hold him. You must be so proud. Hope you are feeling well and getting a little sleep! p.s.- I LOVE the name you and Dan chose.
oh he is so beautiful!! you guys must have a lot of visitors, we saw jordan on our way out to NY and Dan's sister and mom on our way home, delta owes you guys a free ticket for all the business cute little Winston has given them!!
It was so great to meet baby Winston in person and Caitlin you look just lovely.
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